HIIIIII I have never ever posted before because whoever created this didn't tell me the password so I was kept in the dark for like
1 year before gareth told me the password like 5 minutes ago.
Ogay so here are a million pictures I took but never uploaded. I should be doing history tutorials. Blogger messed up the sequence of some of the pictures but you'll get the idea. I actually have a lot more but I'm lazy. Enjoy kids!

The time we went bowling and I kicked everyone's ass hee hee. I think jeremy tan was 2nd, julian was after me and jean was after julian. I took like 3 pictures of the screen before this because I was so scared julian would beat me

Kim yeong as a beauty queen

Nelson being very afraid of bel's super cute, harmless dog. Pfffft.

Mr goh reading Seventeen HAHAHAHA

And I wore sneakers???

The time we had PW at KAP with Mr goh and gareth, nelson and mr goh all wore sandals.

PW. Nelson being nelson.

Bel being herself.

Gareth is so batman.
Gareth: What are you doing?!!
Me: Taking an unglam picture of you.

The first time Beehwee wore her classes to school and I told her she looked like a teacher version of paris hilton.

Julian joined in.

Jeremy Tan wasn't supposed to be in this picture haha. JT, you is extraaaa

Grace's oratorical thingy :)

This is from the time kim yeong stuck like 19384855040 stickers on jean during PW and it took her 8372190230 years to find out.

From the time Jeremy and kim yeong started reading Seventeen during PW (again) and I cleverly took a picture

Jean and her stickers

The time me and jean dared kim yeong to hug jess and HE DID IT. omgwtfbbq kim yeong you look so scary in this picture

PAE birthday kids :)
LOVE, TIFF.Happy new year everybody! I can't wait for school to start
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