Friday, August 29, 2008

In the eyes of a Hermit

Hey, guys, Gareth, here.

First thing i'd like to say is that there are always benefits to being a library hermit, and being able to do something like this without compunction is one of them. 

It's been three whole terms, now, that we've been together as a class, and the first thing i'd like to do is say how good a job you guys've done in the socialising department. I've never really seen a class gel together quite so fast, and while there were some rough patches in the past, i believe they're mostly resolved, and for that, i applaud you all.

You've been there for each other through the tough times, and you guys have consistently shown that there is a group dynamic, despite our differences. You, as a class, and as individuals, have definitely made adapting to a new environment much easier, and definitely much more pleasant, for me, at least, and that's something i've got to thank you guys for.

I'd also like to raise a glass to the exceptional leadership and dedication of our class's various Class Representatives, Jeremy Ho, who gave us his time and effort despite being entangled in the temporal sand-trap that is Odyssey of the mind, Jean, whose efforts to organise an outing are much appreciated and did, despite our friendly quips, pay off (for seven of us, at least). I'd also like to thank Julian, our new class representative, for being our IT technician guy and setting up the class blog, and wish him luck in managing our affairs!

I'd also like to give credit where it's long, long overdue and thank Huifang, our perpetual rock on the tumulus, perpetually irksome waters of CIP, for her long hours and unshakable fortitude in the face of what may often be termed (shamefully) as reluctance and antagonism on our parts. Let's all try and alleviate her immense burden as much as possible, if not to pay her back for the trouble she's gone through to help us, yeah?

I'd personally like to extend my most heartfelt gratitude to the class, in general, for your friendship and affection, despite my inherently antisocial inclinations and my incessant, over-enthusiastic, and often counter-intuitive (oops, haha.) use of bombastic words. You guys have really been a great help in helping me adjust in a school I thought I'd never fit into.

I'd like to congratulate our many student leaders and prize recipients and commend them on their hard work and dedication to their chosen fields despite having to juggle them with studying. I'd further like to wish them only the best of luck in their future endeavours, with the hope that they can bring further glory to themselves (and therfore our already overachieving class! XD).

I thank God that he's placed me in this class, and that he's saddled me with all of you, for i think I'd probably have perished if I'd been placed in another class.

Thanks  also to my project work group, Kim Yeong, Tiffany, Christabel and Nelson for suffering through my nonsense, let's persevere to the end, guys!

So wherever you guys read this, whenever you guys read this, whoever you read it with, i'd like to raise a glass (full of sprite, for now), in commemoration of this first third of a year you've supported each other, and in celebration of a lifetime more of love and friendship amongst we, the strong, the brave, the virtuous, the Adoners.

Good Night, Ladies and Gentlemen, God Bless and Good Luck.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Triumph

What beauty we beheld in the soul of the speaker,
what entreaty we saw cast at the sins of the nation,
whose people were victims of political conflaguration.
the sorrow and the wrath in the voice of the entreater,
whose passion made others seem as illegible creatures,
and whose words shook souls amongst the congregation.
So as in rome, with the battle fought without hesitation
we give her the triumph that rome gave the greatest caesar
for who, really, who amongst us has the gall to deny
that none spoke better than she with most Grace
for in her shadow did not the others seem as nothing
as the murky dusk to the noon, the sun glowing in the sky
to be left behind, and looked over, with utmost haste
for such was the glory of Grace Lim Shu Ying

Petrarchan sonnet, rhyme scheme abbaabbacdecde.
Written in commemoration of Grace's outstanding accomplishment in the oratorical competition.
I don't really give a hoot what anyone insinuates anymore. There are no scandals.