Thursday, July 31, 2008
Name: Lydia (str)Ong
Age: 17 but strong
Gender: Hulk
Colour: Green/Black
Country of origin: Secret Gamma test lab 1001 in Iraq
Personality: Laughs at everything. Smells the roses and claims that she is smarter than a pea.
Favourite Pose: Double front bicep pump + smiling without teeth.
Name: Julian "The Mugger" Lim
Age: 16 but having an overdeveloped brain.
Gender: Male
Colour: Words ( Black and white )
Country of origin: MUGland
Personality: MUGGER / Beaver. Secretly collects notes which he thinks are wood to build his dam.
Favourite Pose: A book in hand, claiming he has a life, giving beaver smile.
Name: Russell Wee
Age: 17 and 2 days
Gender: Yet to be discovered
Colour: The colour of a rolly polly ball
Country of origin: Rolie Polie Olie land
Blood line: Decendant of CKS, here to open the chamber of secrets.
Personality: Loves to laugh like he didn't laugh enough. CANT FROWN due to secret botox injections which impair his facial muscles and expression, resulting in unglam pictuers.
Favourite Pose: Unglam pictures immitating Julians beaver look.
Name: Beatrice "Teh Ping" Lee
Age: Claims to be 17 (Acts 79)
Gender: Female
Qualifications: Advanced Level Aunty
Colour: Teh Ping brown
Personality: CRAZY.
Favourite Pose: Sipping on Teh Ping.
Name: Christabel
Age: 3
Gender: Girl
Colour: White + plasters (to make pimples less obvious :S)
Personality: CRAZIER. Goes mad at everything.S CARED OF LIZARDS.. Pretends to be angry but cant. And Sloooooow as a snail.
Favourite Pose: Anything without pimples.
Name: Jeremy Ho ho ho
Age: Wiser than 17
Gender: Male and hoping to be female
Colour: Human enough
Personality: Lover of Missing, Soulmate
Favourite Pose: Missing...
Name: Marcus Tor
Age: Boring 17
Gender: Male but thinking about it
Colour: Blackish Black
Personality: DUH, LOSER, Whatever, BAHHHHHH,
Favourite Pose: Blur look and sleeping on his notes (which he draws bubble bees on)
Name: Jeremy Tan
Age: Oversized 17
Gender: Hoping to be Male
Colour: I dont know, cant decide
Personality: Digs nose and farts, hoping it turns into tennis balls
Favourite Pose: Reaching for mount everest, eating leaves off the tallest tree in school, with farting at the same time, AMAZING
Name: Jean Bean
Age: -1
Gender: Homo
Colour: Tennis Brown
Personality: "im cool Yo" rapper, dont mess with me, i want to spin around and fall down in videos, Miley Cyrus Fan
Favourite Pose: Act Cool Spinning
Name: Jessica Walking Walker
Age: 177
Gender: Tough like a Feman
Colour: Angmoh white
Personality: Hard working and gym addict. Working on her portfolio. Annorexic diet on apples. NO FAT NO SUGAR.
Favourite Pose: Wahhhh laiiiiiaaaoooo ehhhh (in american accent) while clucking like a chicken.
YAY (jeremy didnt fart) from christabel
Thats all folks! More to come!
Love, Lydia ong strong, Jeremy Tan, and Christabel
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Picking up the pieces

The exams are over, what's done is done,
some of us feel bad, others have had fun.
The thing to remember, past all the despair
that, after the bad weather often comes the fair.
A wise man once said that the great truth of mankind
was that we'd fall, stand up, and leave that all behind.
and fight the battles we'd now know how to win
and win with true pride, now much less of a sin.
So remember what was said in the general paper.
But if you've forgotten, here's a short reminder.
(also for the benefit of our funky KI chums)
"If you fail, it's fine to be down in the slumps,
as long as you shake it off, and forge on ahead,
you'll learn and you'll find, that you're not truly 'dead'.
Because the greatest of people aren't those who don't fail,
instead they're the folks who go on at full sail."
We'll learn from our errors, our grevious mistakes,
and let's not make them again, for goodness sakes.
Happy Terms' end, lads and lassies.