Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The song of life

As winter to spring, as night to day,

so approaches us our current tribulation.

but the wind should our song and might betray,

as, carry it forth our cheers of jubilation.

the blood and sweat we will have given

in what will be a dilemma of our own creation

should have us toward diligence be driven

for yet there is a greater war to fight

but whatever the result, never can we be stricken

by the insidious pride that will sap our might

or the despair which would only extract most readily

the price of stepping away from hopeful light 

linger thus not upon thoughts which will be but a fee

upon time that would escape a grip less firm

and assuredly, in our astonishment quickly flee.

Above all recall the wisdom known, or learned;

the best we can offer is often all we can offer

and for giving that should commendation be earned.

- Anonymous

Good Luck for the exams, good people of AD1.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lydia Rocks!

Hi everyone...

I am so happy...hi yong jun and jeremy.. i have never seen u in such a long time. how have u been???????

Don't u all just love me??? haha

wait.. just to clarify i m not buff or strong ok! thanks everyone...eye lurb chew...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

HEY ALL!!!!!

Please help us publicise our ohhh so awesome school!!! to our prospective juniors haha!!!
So post this on your blogs...facebooks whatever!!! please please help!!